Monday, February 10, 2014

Roasted Duck with Pomegranate Glaze

In need of something romantic to make this Valentine's Day? Well look no further, because we bring you Pomegranate Duck.

This dish involves duck roasted with onions and rosemary, frequently basted with a sweet pomegranate reduction.

Recipe for this sultry dish here and our versions below.

Dan's Version

Whether you are single, its complicated, or are in a serious relationship, this dish is perfect for anyone in any situation. In honor of Valentine's Day, KC wanted to try something a little different, but preserve the romantic element of the day.

Unlike chicken, duck is considerably more fatty. What you get is a much crispier exterior and juicier interior. The lemon rub gives the duck a slightly tangy flavor, which perfectly complements the sweetness of the pomegranate glaze.

My recommendations:

1.) Broil your duck initially. Get the skin nice and crispy.
2.) Duck fat is liquid gold. Save it! You can use it to fry potatoes to go along with this dish.
3.) Remember to remove the giblets from inside the duck.
4.) Serve alongside a nice dry wine.
5.) The recipe calls for a temperature of 170, but remove at 165. The duck will continue to cook and you will not dry it out. 

Initially I was somewhat hesitant to cook duck. Do not fear, however, it is very similar to cooking chicken, but many times better.

Mo's Version

What a wonderful way to celebrate the magical union of love, or perhaps more importantly, the second season of House of Cards!

OK. This recipe is pretty awesome. The sweet and tangy pomegranate goes very well with the wild flavor of the rosemary and duck. This a tricky bird, so don't be hard on yourself if things don't turn out perfectly the first time. 

Some tips: 
-The recipe says to roast initially at 400 for 20 minutes. Feel free to let it roast at that temperature for 30-40 minutes. The name of the game is to render off the fat and get the duck crispy. 
-On that same note, it wouldn't hurt to heavily salt the duck overnight to draw out some extra moisture. This will help it crisp. 
-Pat dry and season before roasting. 
-The recipe says to baste the duck every 10 minutes. You can baste more sparingly. I did about every 20 min.
-Let the pomegranate reduction really thicken. Keep it on medium heat, stirring frequently, until the sauce sticks to your spoon. Then keep it on low heat.
-Cook vegetables with the duck fat that comes off during cooking. Great flavor.
-When plating use smaller serving sizes. Be sure to garnish with the sauce and raw pomegranate.

With love, KC. Till next week.