Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bourbon Pumpkin Cheesecake

We have another guest post this week! Featured is an absolutely delicious Bourbon Pumpkin Cheesecake that puts other pumpkin desserts to shame. Post below:

Recipe here:

Here are your basic ingredients to make one delicious cheesecake.  The link above has more, but to save time and for lack of certain spices we just used some basic ones.

Start out by forming a small layer of graham cracker crumbs on a pan.  If you would like crispy crust, brush on a layer of melted butter (about 4 tbsp.).  For added zest, we sprinkled on some cinnamon.

Blend together 16 oz. of mashed pumpkin into 3 8 oz. packs of cream cheese, 3 eggs, and brown sugar. Add in the other ingredients one at a time.

It helps to whisk the the batter together once it becomes soupier.

Fill the pan to just a hair below the line of crust on the side.  Then toss it in the oven at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on your oven it may take between a half and whole hour.  The best way to gauge when it's done is to see if the outer edges of the cheesecake are browning while the center feels spongy. Once it gets to this state, it is done.

While the cheesecake is baking, whisk together some icing and bourbon of your choice...

 ...and then pour it on.

Place the cheesecake in the oven for 5 minutes and you will have yourself a glazed, bourbon, pumpkin cheesecake. As an aside, make sure the cheesecake is cooled before you add the frosting unless you want a glazed cheesecake. We sure did.
