Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sweet Potato Latkes

To celebrate the holidays, we bring you a Hannukah classic with a twist: sweet potato latkes!

Brought to you by the one and only Martha Stewart, this recipe features shredded Yukon gold and sweet potatoes, mixed with flour, black pepper, ginger, cardamom, and lightly fried to a golden brown crust.

***Plus, a bonus post by our friend Kat! Apple crumb pie with walnuts and raisins. Deliciousness below.

Dan's Version and Comments

I am Jewish, this is not my first rodeo in the latke business, but damn, these were incredible. I had never thought to use both sweet and regular Yukon potatoes. What an incredible combination. Also, Cardamom and Ginger, usually considered to be an Indian and East Asian spice, go surprisingly well with this dish. Interesting fact, India is actually not the largest exporter of Cardamom, Guatemala is!

Despite the little Ginger and Cardamom used, they are both very potent. Do not go overboard with either spice. Also, make sure once you peel your potatoes that you soak them in water, immediately. This will prevent the potatoes from browning. 

Another helpful tip, when heating the oil, it should be smoking somewhat. When you see smoke, you know the oil is ready for frying. 

Mo's Version and Comments

Yum yum yum. This recipe is a winner. Although the sweet potatoes impart a nice sweet flavor, the ginger was the real secret weapon here. It gives the latkes a super bright flavor, despite being a fried starch.

When making these, use less batter than you would think. Just two tablespoons patted down will suffice. These are pancakes, after all.

Serve with apple sauce and sour cream!

Kat's Apple Crumb Pie

The combination of a crumble topping, baked apples, raisins, and walnuts makes for a delicious fall dessert. Top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and enjoy!

*IMO, the crumble topping is the real star of the show here; it complements the pie perfectly with its textured sugary and buttery goodness. 

Thanks for the contribution, Kat! Interested in submitting a post? Contact the Kitchen Cavemen. Till next week!