Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Cuban Sandwich

Ah, the great Cuban Sandwich. 

According to wiki, it's a "variation of a ham and cheese originally created in cafes catering to Cuban workers in Cuba. Later on, Cuban exiles and expatriates brought it to Miami where it is also still very popular. The sandwich is made with ham, roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles,mustard, and sometimes salami on Cuban bread."

Recipe here and our take below. 

Dan's Version and Comments

This is the greatest thing I have ever feasted on. Not only did I eat this sandwich on Sunday, but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday as well. 

The sauce that cover the pork is delicious. It has the perfect combination of acidity and spice that will have your mouth watering. Also, do not substitute the mustard with anything else. The Cubans got it right the first time, do not change history.

A few pieces of advice when cooking this dish:
1.) Try swiss cheese the first time, its the classic way! For some additional kick, maybe pepperjack.
2.) Make sure you use a fork to poke holes in the pork. The holes will allow the marinade to seep in. Delicioso!
3.) The recipe called for 6.5 hours of cooking. Don't be afraid to push 7. Honestly, this meat should be sliding off the bone with very little effort.
4.) If it not panini pressed you are doing it all wrong!

Mo's Version and Comments

El Cubano captures the essence of a great sandwich. Crunchy bread, sweet pickles, salty meat, tangy mustard, and gooey cheese. It has it all.

-Use Cuban bread if it's available. Next best thing is probably a French (what I used)- something soft that can crisp up well.
-Roast your own pork shoulder! All you need is basic seasoning like adobo and oregano, an oven, and time. Very economical and delicious.
-If you don't have a panini press you can wrap your sandwiches in foil, place them on a hot surface, and weigh them down with a pot or a brick.

Next week: Homemade pizza battle! Who will reign supreme?